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Upon completion of this brief form, applicants will be granted access to the full application form. Click here to find out what components are required in the application process.
After completing the form above, applicants will be redirected to the full application form which will guide the student through the following components.
The applicant will provide the following personal information:
Name | Gender | Date of Birth | Birthplace | Address | Email | Phone | Family Information | Emergency Contact | Military Service | Occupation | Church | Ordination | Photograph
The applicant will provide the following educational information about all undergraduate and graduate institutions he or she has attended.
School Name(s) | School Address(es) | Dates Attended | Degree(s) Earned
The applicant will submit a 250+ word document that includes the following:
Personal account of conversion | Description of personal ministry involvement | Explanation of why seminary will prepare the applicant for future ministry
The applicant will provide an email address for the following types of references:
Pastoral Reference | Business Reference | Academic Reference
The applicant will submit a church endorsement form to the church where he or she is currently a member. This form will be completed by the church leadership and sent to VBTS.
The applicants will have official transcripts of all his or her undergraduate and graduate work sent to the seminary.
The applicant will read and respond to the following institutional documents:
VBTS Student Code of Conduct | VBTS Doctrinal Statement
Every applicant will have an interview with the VBTS Academic Dean. Although it is preferable that every interview be completed in person, the interview can be completed over the phone if necessary.
Those making application to the Doctor of Ministry degree will be asked to provide the following additional components:
Resume | Academic Writing Sample (a thesis or major research project)
Acceptance into VBTS’s graduate programs is based upon personal and academic qualifications. VBTS admits applicants who profess to have experienced biblical conversion by faith in Jesus Christ, who have consequently committed themselves to a life of obedience to the Scriptures, who understand the doctrinal position of the school, and who express a willingness to submit to its policies and procedures upon enrollment as a student. Applicants are accepted regardless of race, color, national origin, or disability.
Furthermore, applicants must be academically qualified to carry out the rigors of a graduate program. VBTS’s graduate programs require a recognized bachelors degree for entrance. The Academic Dean and the admissions committee will evaluate all transcripts, references, interviews, and submitted essays to determine whether the applicant meets the standards and criteria for admission. VBTS reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant who does not fulfill these personal and academic qualifications.
VBTS offers three graduate degrees: the Master of Biblical Studies (39 hours), the Master of Theological Studies (60 hours), and the Master of Divinity (96 hours). VBTS also offers two post-graduate degrees: the Master of Theology (30 hours) and the Doctor of Ministry (34 hours). Those who have not completed a bachelors degree and desire to participate in the seminary classroom may make application to the Diploma of Biblical Studies program (39 hours). In addition to the general requirements for seminary admission, additional criteria for admission apply to each program. These additional criteria are explained in Section 5 of the Catalog. Interested students are asked to review the criteria for the program of choice, complete the seminary application, and submit it at least one month prior to registration for classes.
In order to nurture a positive learning environment, applicants who take exception to the doctrinal position of the seminary must indicate in writing specific points of difference. VBTS encourages the exercise of academic freedom within the broader scope of the seminary’s core doctrines, values, and mission. For this reason, applicants who identify points of difference must also indicate in writing a willingness to promote a positive learning experience both in and out of the classroom by a submissive and supportive manner of life. The Theology Seminar, which is taken prior to graduation, offers all students the opportunity to express in writing and to defend orally their theological convictions.
VBTS does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Virginia Beach Theological Seminary admits qualified applicants who are personally committed to faith in Jesus Christ to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of the institution.